
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Negative Space Acrylic Pour


The Negative Space Acrylic Pour is made by

1 u start  by panting a piece of wood or cardboard white let it dry.

2 blown up a Bloon and get 2 straws really          

3  When the wood or cardboard  is dry Start by putting colorfull paint in a plastic or cardboard cup .

4  pour colorfull pant in the middle of  the paper or cardboard  but don’t used too much black pant or it will go muddy  

5 pour white pant around the outside of the colorfull pant in the middle .

6  get one of the 2 straws and uses the straw to blow the colorfull paints onto the white paint but don’t blow the colorfull paints to the ends. 

7 get the Bloon and use the bloon to  dap the colorfull paints and the white paint .

8 when u are happy with it left it dry and u are finally finished 


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